Join us for the opening of the exhibition ON THE ROAD AGAIN featuring the Austrian artist PAUL SPENDIER and his MODULAR NATURE installation, and a performative intervention by HANNA KUCERA. The event is followed by a wine reception.
The international cultural affairs section of the Foreign Ministry and the Austrian Cultural Forums launched an international call for submissions on the general theme of transformations in society and ecology, with the goal to bring Austrian artists “On the Road Again”.
Almost 500 artists from the fields of visual arts and media submitted works related to the general theme of the call, and 23 of them were selected by a jury to present their work in one of 23 Austrian cultural forums around the world.
Paul Spendier was selected for the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington DC where his installation specially designed for the Atrium of the Embassy of Austria will be presented on October 6, 2022.
Meet Paul Spendier who will unveil his installations MODULAR NATURE dealing with interconnections between mankind and nature, mankind and economy as well as mankind and ecology. Branches cut into modular parts and connected by magnets can be assembled and re-assembled like building blocks. They can be brought back to their original natural state or be made into something completely new. The result will be a fictional landscape built out of an infinitely scalable system that deals with basic concepts of a globalized economy like standardization, modularity and fragmentation.
The German artist Hanna Kucera will perform a one-time-only performative intervention „Act V Mobilities“ during the event, which is part of her series "Pos.16 Performing Professionality". "Act V Mobilities" refers to the modularity and mobility inscribed into Paul Spendier's work.
©Lisa-Caroline Knoll
Paul Spendier was born in Ulrichsberg, Carinthia, in 1997. From 2016 until 2018, he studied photography with Prof. Gabriele Rothemann at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna followed by an Arts and Media course with Prof. Akihiro Kubota at the Tama Art University Tokyo. Since 2020, he has been studying transmedia art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna from where he also received a scholarship. Paul Spendier was one of the winners of the short-film competition “20 Seconds for Art” organised by INFOSCREEN & KÖR, and was awarded the Bank Austria Kunstpreis Kärnten in 2020. Since 2017 his work has been featured in several exhibitions in Austria, Greece, Czech Republic and Tokyo. He lives and works in Vienna.
© Hanna Kučera
Hanna Kučera who was born in Germany in 1996 works with multimedia installation as well as sound-based performances. Her work is interdisciplinary, exploring different ways of living and the power structures, the interpersonal relationships within them. Hanna studied in Dresden and got a Master of Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.